Well well well..

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Oops. It's been a year since I started this thing and I've got absolutely nowhere! I think my issue was not really having an idea of what I wanted to do with the blog, so there's been no direction. So these are my new year resolutions for my blog!

1. Complete one make up review a week

I'm not very skilled with makeup, but with 8 years of watching YouTube tutorials under my belt, I think I can do a pretty decent job! That, and I've also received a whole bunch of new products over the Christmas month, so I can definitely find use for them!

2. Document my journey of working with a professional choreographer at university

I go back on the 7th to work for 7 weeks with Amy Lovelock - a choreographer and dancer from London. We saw a show she created last year called IMPACT, which was very physically demanding, and for a dancer who is sworn to technique, I think it would be interesting to keep track of everything that's happening during this wonderful opportunity.

3. Food, food and more food!

I'd love to collate some of my favourite, healthy (and student budget friendly!) meals into a directory so that I can refer to them in future and maybe inspire some other people. My big focus this year is losing weight, so whats a better way than to share my progress and anything that works well!

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